Previous Post: William Meeks Born in Cliburn England in 1699
There are a number of records of people named Meeks immigrating to the new world before the Revolutionary War. According to there were at least seven un-related families with the surname Meek(s) prior to the Revolutionary War. So we can't assume that we are related to all, or any of them. I have made an attempt to consolidate all of the records of persons named Meeks who immigrated to Virginia, in chronological order. I will add to this list as the I find more records.
Updated 8/11/2017
In total, we find 14 people by the name of John Meeks who immigrated to Virginia between 1642 and 1718.
John Meakes, 1642
From Cavaliers and Pioneers; Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1800 vol 1
Page 132-133
John Meakes, 200 acs. in Mobjacke Bay, on the S. side of the southern br. of Severne, Aug. 20, 1642, Page 809. Trans. of himself, and 3 servts: Richard Carter, Robert Peircifull, Matthew Chapman.
John Meekes, 1652, [Indentured Servitude]
From Cavaliers and Pioneers; Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1800 vol 1
Page 258
Lawrence Dameron, 340 acs. Northumberland Co., p. 92. No. date. Butting S. E. upon the head of Tanx Yeococomico Riv., & c. Trans. 7 servants: Johne Meekes, Thomas Clarke, Edward Maddox, 3 tymes, Elizabeth Coringe, Barth. Wethersby, Dan. Piggin.
John Meekes, 1654 [Indenture Servitude]
From Cavaliers and Pioneers; Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1800 vol 1
Page 304
Toby Smith, 1600 acs. Lancaster Co., on N. side of Rappa. Riv., 6 Sept. 1654. p. 328. Along head of land of Walter Dickenson & William Yarrett, and opposite Colemans Marsh. Trans. of 32 pers: Henry Hawkins, John Colebourne, Phill. Wadingham, John Dixson, John Dear, James Williams, Sarah Willett, Mary Fox, John Redd, Gyles Joyce, George Johnson, Willm. France, Kath. Ham, James Cade, Jno. Dellony, William James, Tho. Langlin, James Boner, Thomas Richard, William Rowsen, James North, John Lepord, Richard Bryon, Thomas Jones, William Kedd, Jno. Serjant, Tho. Symons, John Meekes, John Harper.
Jno. Meekes, 1665 [Indenture Servitude]
From Cavaliers and Pioneers; Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1800 vol 1
Page 468
Vincent Cox, 400 acs. W'moreland Co., 20 May 1665. p. 229 (141). Beg. at white oak dividing this & land of Robt. Selfe, thence N.W. & to nigh a branch of Nomeny, S.E. to the head of a br. of Yeoacomico Riv. & Trans. of 8 pers: Jno. Serviant, Thomas Symons, Jno. Meekes, Thomas Watson, James jnoson, Thomas Barwick, Tho. Bauldwin, Martha Dell.
Jno. Meeke, 1667 [Indentured Servitude]
From Cavaliers and Pioneers; Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1800 vol 2
Page 13
ROBT. WHITEHAIRE. JOHN BOWLER & CHARLES EDMONDS 3000 acs. New Kent Co., upon N. side of Riv., 25 Apr, 1667, p. 45. Trans. of 60 pers: ...James Fargeson, Jno. Meeke, Jno. Fargeson (note, out of the 60 persons on this list there are a number of boarder names such as Armstron and Hamilton. Also there is a Watson. Our John Meeks shows up in New Kent County living in the same precinct as a Watson family in the year 1711).
Robert Meakes, 1667 [Indentured Servitude]
From Cavaliers and Pioneers; Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1800 vol 2
Page 23
COLL. EDMOND SCARBURGH, 3000 acs. Accomack Co., at Pockomoke Riv., 9 Oct. 1667, p. 78. Beg. below Hogg Quanter, up sd. river & including all necks & branches to the uppermost extent of this devdt, .S'ly. to severall extents as by the swamp & unhabitable parts admitts this. Trans. of 60 pers: ...
SAME Co., acreage, date & page the same as above. Bounded by his own severall devidents ont he seaside, bet. Gr. & Likttle Matomkin Crks. & the great white marsh, for trans. of 60 pers: ... John Radnock, Robert Meakes, Morris Curwethy.
John Meeke, 1668 [Indenture Servitude]
From The Bristol Registers of Servants
Page 244
John Meeke to Thomas Jarvis, 6 yrs Virginia
John Meeks, 1668 [Indencture Servitude]
From Cavaliers and Pioneers; Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1800 vol 2
Page 158
Mr. Hugh Yeo, 2050 acs,. Accomack Co. at Machapongo Cr. River; 5 oct. 1674 p. 540. Beg. at a cr. partin gthis from Nevell's Neck; big Machapongo Cr. parting this from land of Major Jno. Tilne; over the Back Cr... sold to sd. Yeo, 16 June 1668; 350 acs. for trans. of 7 pers: Richd. Chambers, Jno. Meekes, Antho. Hardy, Eliz. Michell, Laurence Atkins, Jno. Beare, Tho. Colwell.
John Meeke, 1670 [Indentured Servitude]
From Cavaliers and Pioneers; Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1800 vol 2
Page 81
LT. COL. WILLIAM KENDALL, 10,500 acs, Accomacke Co., from the N. Gr. freshwater br. of Crooked Cr. unto land of Mr. Henry Smyth, adj. John Stokeley,...assigned to sd. Kendall 21 June 1670; 4,370 acs. due for trans. of 86 pers; Robert Hockett... James Forgeson, John Meeke, John Forgeson
John Meeke, 1671 [Indentured Servitude]
From Cavaliers and Pioneers; Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1800 vol 2
Page 92
MR. LEONARD CLAYBORNE, 3000 acs., N. sid eof Mattapony Riv., on upper side of Doctor Moody, on 1 Apr. 1671, p. 353. Trans, of 60 pers: James Taylor ...Jno. Branch, John Meeke, Rich. Carter
Roger Mekes, 1671 [Indentured Servitude]
From Cavaliers and Pioneers; Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1800 vol 2
Page 98
THOMAS LUDWELL, Espr., 2994 A., 2 R., 35 P., on S. side of Chickahominy Swamp, 7 Apr. 1671, p. 352. 2093 A. 1 R. 24 P. at a run called Co. Wynn's Quarter, to a run above Pomonkey Path, over Cowtayle quarter run, ... for the trans. of 60 Pers: Tho. Moss, Jno. Grout, Jno. Brewer, Jarvis Rogers, Roger Mekes, Jno. Skittlethorpe.
William Meeke, 1674 [Indenture Servitude]
From The Bristol Registers of Servants
Page 305
William Meeke to John Sanders, 6 yrs Virginia
John Meeks, 1674 [Indenture Servitude]
From Cavaliers and Pioneers; Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1800 vol 2
Page 150
GEO. PEARCE 2100 acs. Nanzemond Co., by a br. of the Blackwater; adj. Col. Pitts & Col. Brdger; 21 Sept. 1674, p 519. Trans. of 42 pers; ... Peter Kickett, Robt Precivall, Jno. Meeks; 6 Negros
Francis Meeke, 1677 [Indenture Servitude]
From The Bristol Registers of Servants
Page 339
Francis Meeke to Richard Page, 4 yrs Virginia by Francis & Mary
Anthony Meeks, 1680 [Indentured Servitude]
From Cavaliers and Pioneers; Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1800 vol 2
Page 205
MR. GILES LIMSCOTT, 1411 acs., Is. of Wight Co., on the maine Black Water, 20 Apr. 1680, p. 20. Adj. Robt Lawrence & John Lawrence. Trans. of 28 pers: Edwd. hill, Symon Wilson, Alice Warkman, pet. Hatcher, Jone Isham, Jno. Branch, Rich. Carter, Edwd Mason, Wm. Chapman, Jno. Hoskins, Antho. Meekes, Jno. Taylor, Tho. Elbury, Ja. Spicer, Wm. Potter, Sym. Buttler, Jno. Green, Hen. Davies, Tho Richards, Wm. Wright, Hen. Cole, An Sanders, O (?) Morgan, Lewis Williams, Ed. Rogers, Jno. Maccall, Wm. Shard, Antho. Bishop.
Daniel Meekes, 1680 [Indentured Servitude]
From Cavaliers and Pioneers; Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1800 vol 2
Page 210
Mr. Henry Biggs, 321 acs,. New Kent Co., on head brs. of Assatians Sw; adj. Robert hill; & William Rogers; a Cattaile meadowe, &; 10 July 1680. p. 41. Trans. of 7 pers: Wm. Rowse, Ann Strange, Edwd. Archer, Danll. Meeks, Jno. Alwood (or Atwood), Loud Dennis, Eliz. Davis.
John Meeks, 1680 [Indenture Servitude]
From Cavaliers and Pioneers; Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1800 vol 2
Page 215
CAPT. DANIELL JENIFER. 2500 acs. N'ampton Co,. bet Crooked Cr. & Pokomoke Riv. on Mesangoe Cr,. & Chesepiack Bay; 2 Oct. 1680. Adj: John Renny, Willm, Chase; Willia Wallis.. for Trans. of 50 pers: ...Jo. Branch, Jo. Meeks, Benj. Negro
John Meekes, 1683 [Indenture Servitude]
From Cavaliers and Pioneers; Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1800 vol 2
Page 257
JOHN STALLENGE & ELIAS STALLENGE, 280 acs., of land & white marish, Up. Par. of Nanzimund Co., 16 Apr. 1683, p. 255 Beg. Adj. Capt Boothe; Robert Reddick; & land o fJohn Ellis, now said Booth's; being overplus within their bounds of a patt. to William Wright, 18 Mar. 1662. Trans. of 6 person: John Serjeant, James Johnson, Tho. Symons, Tho. Busby, Tho. Barwick, Jon. Meekes.
John Meeks, 1700 [Indentured Servitude]
From Cavaliers and Pioneers; Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1800 vol 3
Page 40
GIDEON MACON, GENT,. 545 acs,. New Kent Co; in a fork of Chickahomany River where the swamp ends; 7 Nov. 1700, p. 289. Granted to Wm Clayborne, sonn of Wol. Wm . Clayburne, Junr,. dec'd,. & Thomas Clayburne, sonn and heir apparent of Mr. Thomas Clayburne, 20 Apr. 1682, deserted, & now granted by order, for Imp. of 11 pers: John Lovell, John Meekes, Richd. Elliot, Guy Warwick, Joseph Miller, James Whitmore, Edward. Mash, John Townsend, Ralph Calmore, Edward Miles.
John Meeks, 1703 [Indentured Servitude]
From Cavaliers and Pioneers; Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1800 vol 3
Page 81
THOMAS BRADLEY, 1087 ACS. New Kent Co., in St. Peter's Par; N. side of Chicahominy Sw; a little bellow the Izeinglass Run; 23 Oct. 1703, p. 583. Trans. of 22 pers: Robt. Keeble, Roger Powell, Mary Bland, Ben. Clark, Hum. Edwards, Rich. Sunderland, Mary Swana, Gideon Macon, Henry Allenson, Stephen Martin, Jno. Meekes, Philemon Adams, Jos. Lane, Robt. Townes, Mary Palmer. Note: 7 rights pad for to Wm. Bryrd, Esqr,. Auditor.
Thomas Meeks, 1718 [Indentured Servitude]
From Cavaliers and Pioneers; Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1800 vol 3
Page 205
THOMAS CARR, JUNR.,, 600 acs. (N.L.), King Wm. Co; about 3 mi. above the falls of Pamunkey Riv., called Turkey Neck; at mouth of Topping Castle Sw; 12 July, 1718, p. 385. 10 Shill., & Imp. of 10 pers: Benjamin Bulkley, Abraham Alexander, William Jones, Elizabeth Pedley, Richard Darby, Fran. Mackey, Tho. Meaks, Jane Morris, Anne Newton, Mary Blackbeard
Next Post: John Meeks, St. Paul's Parish and Allens Creek
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