Monday, August 22, 2016

The Family of the Immigrant Ancestor

Meeks Family Saga
To start the search of who my immigrant ancestor is, I will first present the general information of the descendants of the immigrant. The oldest provable member of this family is William Meeks, born around 1725 in Virginia. Anyone older than him has not been proven. Those whom we can confidently call his children are Priddy, Athe, Jesse and Susannah. We can confidently say that William had a brother named John, who also lived in Virginia. It is likely that the children of John are: Martin, John, Candace, Littleton, and Nacy. The descendants of this family are found all over the United States by the 1870's. However, only the families of Priddy, Athe, Littleton, and Nacy have well documented genealogies.
Priddy Meeks settled in Kentucky, with his descendants remaining in Kentucky, or moving onto Indiana, Illinois and Arkansas.
Athe Meeks settled in Indiana, with his descendants staying in Indiana, or moving on to Illinois, Arkansas, Utah and California. I am the fourth great grandchild of Athe Meeks.
Littleton Meeks settled in Georgia and has descendants all over the south, including Mississippi, Alabama and Texas.
Nacy Meeks settled in Mississippi and also has descendants all over the south, including Mississippi, Tennessee, and Texas.
DNA testing has added a wealth of information on the family, the most important of which is our connection to a wealthy Meek family from Shotts, Lanarkshire, Scotland. This family has a good paper trail back to the 1660's. Members of this family mostly stayed in Scotland. Also from DNA testing is a Meek family that immigrated from Edinburgh Scotland to Canada in the 1830's.
It has been a long goal of mine to figure out who the Meek(s) ancestor was that first stepped foot on the shores of America. Though we might never figure out who it is, with enough information, we might be able to paint a halfway descent picture of where he was from, and when he came here.

Next Post: The Oral Tradition

1 comment:

  1. Hi Anthony, I wanted to add that Athe Meeks' son Charles has a lineage located in Southeast Missouri. That is where my mother's side of the family mostly live. It is Charles Meeks-Lewis Meeks-George Washington Meeks-Robert Meeks-George Franklin Meeks who is my grandfather. He and my grandmother had 12 children. I am really enjoying your discoveries. Thank You Martin Pleasant
